The Barbados National Cultural Foundation (NCF) has twomajor
roles: fostering and supporting national cultural development;
and the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals
and associated events.
Throughout 1999 – 2001, we noticeably improved the quality,
visibility and appeal of Barbados’ cultural and festival image by
carefully targetingand effectivelymanaging thebrand presence
and positioning of NCF and their products in the market.
Our efforts initially concentrated on improving the NCF’s
corporate image and its relationshipwith itsmany private sector
partners and sponsors. This was foremost on our agenda as
these were the primary avenues for NCF strategic and financial
support. WeensuredthatNCFvisualpresenceepitomisedquality,
creativity, professionalism and competence at all times.
For mass market imaging of the festivals and events, Acute
Vision conceptualised and introduced more dynamic themes
and imagery to package each experience. In effect we branded
each event with our signature high impact imaging style across
every possible medium.
We started with the appropriate “100% Pure Sugar” theme for
Crop Over 1999 and continued with the all encompassing “166
SquareMiles of Culture”and themotivating“Reach for the Gold”
for our National Independence Festival of Creative Arts.
We also provided strategic corporate imaging, marketing and
P.R., consulting and support.
National Cultural Foundation,
Branding Culture